Transformational Giving
Transformational gifts may be categorized as "big" or "major" gifts, but what distinguishes them is their unique capacity to alter the programs, perception, and future of an organization. More than gifts, they are true investments in the future of an organization and community. This phenomenon - the product of a heightened understanding by donors of the importance of philanthropy in building communities and institutions - is one of the most important milestones in the entire history of philanthropic growth in this country.
One aspect of Transformational Giving at Wide Horizons, Inc. (WHI) is “Naming & Recognition Opportunities.”
Transformational gifts may be categorized as "big" or "major" gifts, but what distinguishes them is their unique capacity to alter the programs, perception, and future of an organization. More than gifts, they are true investments in the future of an organization and community. This phenomenon - the product of a heightened understanding by donors of the importance of philanthropy in building communities and institutions - is one of the most important milestones in the entire history of philanthropic growth in this country.
One aspect of Transformational Giving at Wide Horizons, Inc. (WHI) is “Naming & Recognition Opportunities.”
- Naming Opportunities involve the actual reference to a structure, room within a structure, or program by the name of the donor that has purchased the naming opportunity. Examples include: "The Jones Building," "The Jones Family Conference Room," or "The Jones Community Contribution Scholarship."
- Recognition Opportunities recognize the donor’s funding by a wall or ground plaque. An example on a plaque: "Wide Horizons, Inc. thanks the Jones Family for the refurbishment of the Young Adults' Learning Center."
- Naming and Recognition must be approved by the WHI Board.
- Naming and Recognition opportunities for structures may not correspond with the cost of the structure but what the market will bear for the exposure/visibility/prominence of the opportunity.
- If a structure where Naming and/or Recognition opportunity exists is destroyed due to age or other reason, WHI will offer a list of naming opportunities of the same value for the Donor’s selection.
- The irrevocable present value of a trust or annuity (tax value to the Donor) or the cash value of a fully funded life Insurance Policy can count towards a naming opportunity.
- In-kind credit for a direct budget or capital improvement can count at the estimated retail value of the in-kind gift.
- For more information, contact WHI at 209-608-5034 to request and appointment to discuss giving opportunities.
++Wide Horizons, Inc. would like to thank Rev. Wayne G. Richardson, CFRE, and Gospel Center Rescue Mission for the use of this material and numerous fundraising recommendations.